Day 5, June 14:
Today kinda sucked, again. I
had to stay in the hotel because of my ankle. It wasn’t so terrible, because I got to hang out at the pool
but that is NOT why I came here and I can chill at the pool at home. I got some reading done… but wanted to
read up a bit more about the history here at Ashkelon but had no internet
access so read some of the 4th Game of Thrones book.
However, this afternoon I went to pottery washing. It’s pretty simple but at least I get
to see all of the neat stuff and help clean it, even though I didn’t get to
help dig it out.
I am so bummed about my ankle. I can’t do anything I came here to do. Not just that, but I am missing the
group bonding time which is really unfortunate.
Day 6 & 7, June 15 & 16th:

After the Israel museum the rest of the group went on a tour of the ramparts of the old city, but I wasn’t able to join because of my foot. Instead, I went and met up with Tom and Tracy and some of Tom’s friends and had a great time. We had a nice night hanging out in Jerusalem, and then Saturday we spent the day at Tom’s hanging out and watching movies. And of course, I lost one an earring and left things in Jerusalem accidentally. It wouldn't be a trip to Israel without losing at least 3 things.
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